
If you are a member of an Organization and are currently looking to apply for program, on behalf of the organization, below are a few of our commonly asked questions within SurveyMonkey Apply.

NOTE: For general questions about creating and editing applications in the site you can refer to the Application and Recommendation FAQs in our Applicant FAQ

Registration as an Organization will depend on whether or not registration has been opened, and whether the site has the option to register on behalf of an organization. If you do not have the option to register as an organization in the site, please contact the site administrators using the info (i) icon.

If registration is open to the public:

  1. Click Register
  2. Choose to Register as an Organization
  3. Complete the required information for who will be the Organization's Main Administrator.
  4. Click Create Account
  5. You will be asked to enter additional details about the Organization such as the Organization's Name, Address, and Contact Information.
    If required by the administrators you may also be asked for your applicable tax number.
  • First Name of Org Admin
  • Last Name of Org Admin
  • Email of Org Admin
  • Password/Confirm Password
  • Organization Name
  • Any additional required information as set by the administrator

For more information in regards to any additional information that may be required for you or if you are unable to locate the ability to register we would recommend reaching out to the site administrators.

When you are in the process of registering for a site using the SurveyMonkey Apply registration you may receive errors while trying to register.

In order to register for the site, you will need to complete all required fields within the registration form. If you are having difficulty registering, check for this warning in regards to a missing field:

When you register to a SurveyMonkey Apply site as an applicant, recommender, reviewer, or administrator to a site, or Organization Admin an account is created for you within the SM Apply database. Therefore, once you have registered for an account within one site you will need to re-register using the same password and credentials as the existing account.

If this is the case, then you will be informed that "An account with this email already exists." You will then be prompted to:

  • Register with a new account
  • Reset your password
  • Complete the registration with that account

NOTE: If you are already registered as an Individual in the site, you can refer to I already have an Individual Account, how do I register as an Organization?

If you are already a member of a site as an Individual and wish to register on behalf of an organization:

  1. Login to your Individual account within the site
  2. Click on your name in the top right corner
  3. Go to Account Settings
  4. Click Setup Organization
  5. Complete all required fields for the organization
  6. Click Continue to create the organization

If your organization already has an account within the system, you'll need to be added to it manually. To be added, reach out to the primary administrator of your organization.

If you are unsure if your organization already has an account, email the site administrators using the site's info (i) icon. The site admin can confirm if your organization exists on the site and who's the primary contact.

If you are a member of a site that allows both Organization and Individual applications, you can toggle between your two accounts to access the different applications.

  1. Click on either your name, or the organization name in the top left corner.
  2. From the drop down, click on the individual or Organization account you want to use.

To edit your Organization's Profile:

  1. Login as an organization administrator
  2. Click on Manage Organization in the top right corner
  3. Click Profile
  4. Update your profile information
  5. Click Save

When an organization is first registered, the user that registered the organization will become the Primary Administrator. This means they will have full administrative permissions to the organization and will be the main point of contact for the site's administrators.

If you are the Primary Administrator you have the option of transferring this access to another member of the organization:

  1. Login as an organization administrator
  2. Click on Manage Organization in the top right corner
  3. Click Profile
  4. Click Transfer Primary Administrator
  5. Select the new primary administrator
  6. Click Transfer. You will be removed as the primary administrator of the organization and will be given Non-Administrative permissions to access the organization's applications.

NOTE: If you are currently an organization administrator and wish to become the Primary Administrator, for example, if the original Primary Administrator has left the Organization, we would recommend reaching out to the site administrators for further assistance.

To add a logo or image to your organization's profile:

  1. Login as an organization administrator
  2. Click on Manage Organization in the top right corner
  3. Click Profile
  4. Beside the Organization Profile, click Browse
  5. Select the image you wish to upload
  6. Adjust the size and position of the image 
  7. Click Save

If you are a Primary or Organization Administrator you can email other members of your organization directly from the site.

To email your members:

  1. Login as an organization administrator
  2. Click on Manage Organization in the top right corner
  3. Click on Members
  4. Select the Member(s) you wish to Email
  5. Click on the Email icon
  6. Compose your email
  7. Click Send

Once you have created your organization you can add additional members to assist you wish creating applications.

  1. Login as an organization administrator
  2. Click on Manage Organization in the top right corner
  3. Click on Members
  4. Click on Add Member
  5. Enter the First Name, Last Name, and Email Address of the member
  6. Select if they will have Administrative or Non-Administrative Access. Refer to What are the different Member Roles? for more information
  7. Optional: If you have teams created, click to add them to a team
  8. Optional: Notify the user that you are adding them to the organization
    TIP! This is useful if the user does not already have an account in the system as they will receive the invite and be able to create a password to log in.
  9. Click Add
  1. Login as an organization administrator
  2. Click on Manage Organization in the top right corner
  3. Click on Members
  4. Click on Add Member
  5. Click on Import Members
  6. Click to Download Template to populate the information for each of your members You will require EmailFirst name, Last name, Access (non administrator, administrator). If you have Teams in the site, enter the exact name of the Team they are to be added to.
  7. Once you have saved the file on your computer, select Choose File under Upload your populated organization template:
  8. Choose what you would like to do with Duplicate Entries (refer to the available options below)
  9. Optional: Select Notify user by email that they have been added
  10. Optional: Select Include a custom message in the email to send a quick message including the reasoning for inviting them to the site. The same message will be sent to all users in the CSV file.

Uploading Duplicate Entries

If the primary administrator already exists within your site, you can select how you would like to treat duplicates that may exist in your import. The options you can choose from are:

SkipIf there is an email address in the import that already exists in your site, the upload will completely skip over this user, and no further information will be updated.
Overwrite Existing FieldsIn some cases, information may have changed for your users. With this option, if the site recognizes a duplicate it will use the information in the upload to overwrite the information that exists in the site.Use this if you are trying to add members to a new team.

Within an organization there can be three different member roles:

Member TypeDescription
Primary AdministratorThis is the organization member that initially creates the Organization and has full administrative control over the organization's members and applications. They will be able to transfer ownership of the organization, as well as edit and remove members of the organization at any time.NOTE: They will be the primary contact for that organization.
AdministratorThese members have similar control over the organization's members and applications as the Primary Administrator. However, they will only be able to edit and remove non-administrative members, or inactive Administrators.
Non-Administrative MembersThese members will be able to edit applications on behalf of the organization but will not have access to manage the organization's profile and members. They will also not be able to create or submit applications for an organization.

Teams can be a useful tool for organizing your organization's members. For example if you have several members working together from the Marketing department of your organization, you can create a team for them in the site. Additionally, when creating an application, members will be able to easily share access to their application to the entire team.

  1. Login as an organization administrator
  2. Click on Manage Organization in the top right corner
  3. Click on Teams
  4. Click Create Team
  5. Enter the name of your team
  6. Click OK

Once you have created your teams you can add your members to them. You can add users to a team individually, in bulk, or through a member import.

To add individual team members:

  1. Login as an organization administrator
  2. Click on Manage Organization in the top right corner
  3. Click on Members
  4. Click on the More Options icon
  5. Click Change Team Membership
  6. Select the Team(s) to add the member to
  7. Click Done
  8. Click OK

To add team members in bulk:

  1. Login as an organization administrator
  2. Click on Manage Organization in the top right corner
  3. Click on Members
  4. Click on the checkbox beside the members
  5. Click Actions
  6. Click Change Team Membership
  7. Select the Team(s) to add the members to
  8. Click Done
  9. Click OK

To add team members during a member import:

  1. Follow the steps to import members to your organization
  2. Within the downloaded template complete the Teams column with the exact name of the Team that the member is to be added to. Leave the field blank for members that are not being added to a team
  3. Upload your template back to the site
  4. Select what to do with the Duplicate Entries
  5. Click Import

If you no longer wish for a member to be apart of a team you can remove them individually from a team, or you can remove the members in bulk.

To remove individual team members:

  1. Login as an organization administrator
  2. Click on Manage Organization in the top right corner
  3. Click on Members
  4. Click on the More Options icon
  5. Click Change Team Membership
  6. Uncheck the Team(s) you wish to remove the member from 
  7. Click Done
  8. Click OK

To remove team members in bulk:

  1. Login as an organization administrator
  2. Click on Manage Organization in the top right corner
  3. Click on Members
  4. Click on the checkbox beside the members
  5. Click Actions
  6. Click Change Team Membership
  7. Uncheck the Team(s) you wish to remove the members from 
  8. Click Done
  9. Click OK

To rename a team:

  1. Login as an organization administrator
  2. Click on Manage Organization in the top right corner
  3. Click on Teams
  4. Click on the More Options icon
  5. Click Rename
  6. Enter a new name for the team
  7. Click OK
  1. Login as an organization administrator
  2. Click on Manage Organization in the top right corner
  3. Click on Teams
  4. Click on the More Options icon
  5. Click Delete Team
  6. Optional: Choose to Also remove members from your organization
  7. Click OK

As an Organization Administrator, you can manage the other members of your organization. You can:

To change a member's role:

  1. Login as an organization administrator
  2. Click on Manage Organization in the top right corner
  3. Click on Members
  4. Click on More Options
    Select the member(s) and click Actions
  5. Click Toggle Role

The member's Role will be updated. 

To toggle or limit a user's access:

  1. Login as an organization administrator
  2. Click on Manage Organization in the top right corner
  3. Click on Members
  4. Click on More Options
    Select the member(s) and click Actions
  5. Click Toggle Site Access

This will only prevent the member from accessing the organization account and will not affect the member's individual account.

To completely remove a member from the organization:

  1. Login as an organization administrator.
  2. Click Manage Organization in the top right corner.
  3. Click Members
  4. Choose More Options
    Select the member(s) and click Actions
  5. Click Delete from Organization
  6. Confirm you wish to remove the member(s) from the organization and click YES. 

    Any application that the deleted member(s) own will be transferred to the Primary Administrators account.

To create and edit applications as part of an organization, members need to be activated. When a member is invited, they'll receive an email request to activate their account.

As an organization administrator, you can manually activate your members' accounts:

  1. Login as an organization administrator
  2. Click on Manage Organization in the top right corner
  3. Click on Members
  4. Click on More Options
    Select the member(s) and click Actions
  5. Click Activate