
Below are a few of our frequently asked Applicant questions within SurveyMonkey Apply.

For questions on updating your account details and login credentials, you can refer to our General Account FAQ.

If you have no Applications created yet, within the site you can:

  1. Click View Programs
  2. You may need to complete an Eligibility Quiz if required by the site.
  3. Once you've completed the eligibility quiz, or if there is no quiz enabled, you will be able to View the programs.
  4. Click MORE > for the program you wish to apply for
  5. Click Apply

Based on site configurations put in place by the administrators, you may not be able to create an application for a program. If you experience difficulties creating an application, you can reach out to the administrator by clicking the information (i) icon on the site.

To create a new application:

  1. Click Programs in the top in the top right corner
  2. Click MORE > for the program you wish to apply for
  3. Click Apply

Based on site configurations, you may not be able to create more than one application. If you're experiencing difficulties creating more than one application, reach out to the site administrators.

It's not possible to delete an application after you submit. Reach out to your site admin for help deleting a submitted application.

If you have started an application but no longer wish to continue, you can delete it.

There are two ways to delete the application:

  1. Click on the More Options (...) icon in the top right corner of the tile of the application you wish to Delete
  2. Select Delete
  3. You will receive the confirmation message "Are you sure you want to delete your application? You won't be able to undo this action"
  4. Click Yes to confirm
  1. While on the Task page in your application, click the More Options (...) icon in the top right corner.
  2. Select Delete.
  3. You will receive the confirmation message "Are you sure you want to delete your application? You won't be able to undo this action".
  4. Click Yes to confirm.

To be able to submit your application you will first need to complete all required tasks within your application. Additionally, you will need to ensure that you've verified your email.

A Banner will appear within your portal until you've verified your account. Click Send Verification Link and follow the instructions sent in the email.

Once all tasks are complete, submit your application by performing the following steps:

  1. Within the application to submit, select Review & Submit
  2. Review application materials
  3. Once you've reviewed all your completed tasks, you can click to Submit Your Application.
  4. Choose to proceed back to your applications or View More Programs.

There are two ways to Preview your application within the site:

  1. Click on the More Options (...) icon in the top right corner of the tile of the application you wish to Preview
  2. Select Preview

If you're on the application page with the list of Tasks to complete, to preview your application:

  1. Click on the More Options (...) icon in the top right corner of the application.
  2. Select Preview

There are three ways to print/download your application within the site:

  1. Click on the More Options (...) icon in the top right corner of the tile of the application you wish to download
  2. Click Download

If you're on the application page with the list of Tasks to complete, to download your application:

  1. Click on the More Options (...) icon in the top right corner of the application.
  2. Click Download
  1. Within the Preview, click Download in the top right corner

If you have previously pressed Marked as Complete on a form, but have not yet Submitted your application, you can choose to make Edits to your task.

  1. Enter your application
  2. Click on the task you wish to edit
  3. Click on the More Options (...) icon in the top right corner of the task
  4. Click Edit
  5. Click PreviousNext to navigate between the pages and make your changes
  6. When done, navigate to the last page and press Mark as Complete

If you experience difficulties editing your task or this option isn't available, see "Why can't I edit my task" below.

If your tasks Cannot be Modified or say The task cannot be started at this time, there are a few main reasons why this could occur. 

  1. The deadline has passed or the administrators don't want you to start until a specific date.
  2. You need to complete other application tasks before you're able to start this one.
  3. You've completed your task and the administrators don't wish for you to be able to make changes.
  4. Your application is locked.

Contact the administrator of the site if you aren't able to edit a task.

There are a few potential reasons why you may experience issues uploading your file:

  1. The file is in an incompatible format.
    Check to ensure that the file type you're trying to upload matches the requested formats.
  2. The file is too large.
    Check to ensure that the file type you're trying to upload does not exceed the maximum file size of the upload task.
  3. You've reached the file upload limit.
    Confirm that the number of files you're uploading is within the range of the minimum and the maximum number of files required.
  4. The file is encrypted.
    SurveyMonkey Apply won't accept encrypted files. To upload your file, it will need to be unencrypted.
  5. The file is corrupted.
    The file you're trying to upload may be corrupted. Save the file to a different folder on your computer and try the upload again.
  6. A task related issue. 
    It's possible the error is related to another setting on the task. For example, the task settings don't allow editing.

The page you're attempting to access isn't available to you. This usually means you don't have permission to edit the task. For more information, refer to the section on Why can't I edit my task?

The administrators may set deadlines when they wish to restrict access to the application after that date.

Application deadlines are set by the administrators of the site. For more information on what happens to your app after the deadline, you'll need to:

  1. Go to the Home Page or Log in to your Account
  2. Click the Information (i) icon
  3. Select Contact the Site Administrator

Your default email application will open for you to compose an email.

If your application is locked, it was either locked manually by an administrator, or by an automation on the site.

Contact the administrator of the site for more details about why your application is locked.

If you've completed the payment, but the task isn't being updated, this means the SurveyMonkey Apply system hasn't received confirmation from the admin's payment processor to let us know that the payment has been accepted.

Email the site administrators using the info icon (i) on your Apply site to confirm they have received your payment and update their payment processor configuration, if necessary.

A confirmation email is part of the configuration of the site set by the administrators. If you submit your application and haven't received an email, check your spam/junk folder. If you still aren't able to find the email, contact the administrators to confirm if one was sent.

You can also refer to "I am not receiving any emails from the site" at the bottom of this article for more information.

If you're completing a form and it asks you to Sign the form:

  • Click and Drag your mouse across the screen to draw your signature on to the form.

If your recommender hasn't received an invitation to recommend your application, you can take the following steps:

Check to ensure that the email you entered is correct and there are no spelling mistakes. If the email is incorrect, delete the request and send a new invite.

If the information is correct:

Have the recommender check their Spam, Junk and other folders such as Updates or Promotions. 

If they aren't able to locate the email in any inbox:

Resend the Invitation. Click the Get a Recommendation task and Resend the Invitation. Repeat step 2, if necessary.

If both options don't work

4. Have the recommender contact our support team for Login Assistance. It is important that they contact us themselves with no CC's on the email. Once we receive their email we will be able to assist them with logging into the site.

If your recommender task currently says In Progress

  1. Click to enter the task within your application
  2. This will tell you the status of the recommendations. For example, you can see if it's Requested/Not StartedIn Progress, or Received.
  3. If it's marked as Received click on Mark as Complete, to complete the task.

If the task states Requested or Not Started, it means that the recommender hasn't started their recommendation. We recommend reaching out to make sure they received the invite to log. If they haven't received the invite, refer to the section "My recommender hasn't received their email, what should I do" above.

To change the information of your recommender, you will need to delete your request. This will allow you to start a new request.

To change your notification preferences on the site:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Click on your Name in the top right corner of the page
  3. Select My Account
  4. Click Notifications
  5. Enable/Disable the emails you no longer wish to receive. 

If you're currently not receiving any emails from the site:

  1. Ensure that is added to your safe sender list within your email account.
  2. Ensure that your email is verified within the site. If you're receiving this notification at the top of your page, then it's possible that you won't receive other emails from the site.
  3. Ensure that you're subscribed to receive emails from the site.
  4. Check your Spam Folder to verify whether the email was sent to your Spam/Junk folder.
  5. If the previous steps don't work, reach out to the administrators to confirm an email was sent out.